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Santa Claus figurine a character of Christmas tales

  • Article: 001_029
  • Sizes: 20 sm
  • Environmentally friendly materials
  • Unique design
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Santa Claus Figurine depicts the beloved character of Christmas tales. Santa Claus figurine is carved from linden. Artists with great love and fantasy painted festive attire at our Santa Claus figurines.

Hat and mittens covered with thin silver-white patterns. Beard curled in tendrils. Down is painted a depicts village, immersed in snow. Each house offers kids gifts from Santa Claus.
Santa Claus figurine creates happy eyes. No doubt it can decorate your holiday

Where to buy a toy Santa Claus? Here!

Buy a toy Father Frost (Santa Claus) you can in our online store. Toy Santa Claus is painted in bright colours and decorated with exquisite patterns. Santa Claus, illuminating a colourful road flashlight, and carries a large bag gifts kiddies.

To buy a toy Santa Claus (Father Frost) is possible for boys and girls, and for adults as well. This toy figurine of Father Christmas will with no doubt please collectors of Christmas decorations..


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