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Santa Claus - a gift for Christmas

Father Frost (Santa Claus figurines), our symbol of Russian Christmas.
Please review our artwork collection of wooden Father Frost (known as Santa Claus) figurines below. Father Frost and his Christmas gifts, passing on the old man's boundless warmth bestows efforts of helping children, and makes Santa Claus to a universal idol for almost all children. We are imaging the Christmas tree and `Father Frost` or Santa Claus as a character of folk tales and folk epic. Apparently for the Russian people Santa Claus`s warm-hearten, and moreover his exemplary behaviour, served as an example of being good person. Our Grandfather Frost, as we call Santa Claus (Nikolaus), in Russia, is not better or worse, he's just ours. This is our Russian history, our Russian national way.. You might wish to get a Santa Claus figurine stored in an appealing gift box as shown above, then have a look here at our Santa Claus Gift Package page. Please read more about our understanding wooden Father Frost (Santa) figurines below at our catalog of Russian Father Frost figurines.

Buy an exclusive gift for Christmas and New Year offers our Art Studio!

Good, as a Holy man, strong as Bogatyr of the Russian land, stern but fair wizard that appears in front of us all of us famous hero of Russian fairy tales. So we present it in his work, conveying the boundless warmth of the man, favoring the efforts of the children and caring for sloths. We are imaging the tree this lovely image as a character of folk tales and folk epic. We have in the gift shop its folkloric image represented by a set of wooden figurines. Once he was angry Trachoma, Snap, stealing bad children, freezing houses and entire villages experiencing travelers. Then grandpa in the tales of kinder. Apparently Russian people are pleased with the old man with his good and even exemplary behavior, and children's efforts finally pricked him and he did take the baptism and was without fear and reproach to appear at festivals, like its Western brother Santa Claus. Santa Claus is not better or worse, he's just ours. This is our history, our national path. Now, like our heavenly Father, he only for good deeds, and sincere help of others, obedience and diligence rewards children with gifts. Santa Claus collection — wooden, handmade, but with this material worked for Jesus Christ as a carpenter.

To buy a wooden figurine of Santa Claus

If You are looking for peace, made with love and kindness Christmas present for friends and relatives, then You will definitely find a gift that will appeal to both children and adults.

*Our products are collectible and souvenir, and is not intended for young children!