Santa as Christmas Witness presenting a cuckoo watch at Bethlehem.
An excellent hand carved and individual hand painted art work (Santa Claus at Birth of Jesus as Christmas gift) presented by Art Studio Melnikovitch.
This wooden Christmas figurine with its filigree paintings (Birth of Jesus) is an unforgettable gift for every collector and is surely enriching every Christmas Eve or event. The main picture Santa Claus is carrying is a detailed painting of the native “Christmas - Krippe”. Maria, Joseph, Jesus, a child looking through a window, as well as 2 sheep’s, and a cow are visible. The painting of the Christmas - Krippe theme is very detailed and eye catching.
This wooden Santa figurine which is decorated with the Native scene of birth of Jesus is an Christmas decorations artwork created by our best painters. And also the Santa figurine itself is very detailed hand carved, combining so functions of an Christmas figurine with the function of an religious painting artwork.