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Snowman with Violin as gift box (gift container) for New Year season

  • Article: 007_001
  • Sizes: 27 sm
  • Environmentally friendly materials
  • Unique design
  • Discounts for regular customers
4 500
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Unique gift for New Year and winter times with internal casket — “Snowman with Violin” is cut from wood, painted by the author with fine Russian art paintings. Main feature of our Snowman-box is that it opens, and you can put a surprise gift for New Year, Christmas, Birthday, or other celebration events. Snowman with Violin is decorated with transparent watercolors by high level professional art masters. The paint of this snowman figurine (surprise box) is covered with transparent varnish. For ease of transportation and shipment, our Snowman is dismantled, removed are violin, etc. ; from his hands, and placed inside the Snowman sculpture. Snowman with Violin is a gift for New Year and winter times and can be bought from us. Our collection of Russian gifts is copyrighted!


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