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Shop of Souvenirs and gifts

Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents
Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents
Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents
Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents
Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents
Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents
Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents
Shop of Souvenirs and gifts VIP presents

VIP presents

Shop Art-Studio «Melnikovich», gifts and souvenirs, offers to buy works of Russian art and traditional hand-painted paintings:

Russian orthodox icons, nested dolls, wooden dolls based on the fairy tale by E. T. A. Hoffmann «The Nutcracker and the Mouse King», tumblers (Vanka-vstanka), statuettes of angels, Christmas toys, nested dolls from wood and much more.

You will pick up handmade gifts for any occasion, every gift that you will find in our store is not just unique in appearance, but also has a certain semantic support on folk traditions.

We offer to familiarize with our catalog and buy souvenirs in Moscow, as well as with delivery around the world.

In the store of the Art Studio you can buy traditional Russian souvenirs and handmade gifts.

Gifts made by our craftsmen will surely bring true joy to you and your loved ones.

In the «Melnikovich» Art Studio you will definitely pick up a gift of manual work for yourself and your child, for a close friend or relative, your boss or colleague.

We have souvenirs and gifts for every taste and color from a VIP gift to a small souvenir.

The shop «Art-Studio Melnikovich» sells all souvenirs of its own production.

Souvenirs and gifts in the store are made of wood by experienced wood carvers, masterfully painted by skilful artists using unique brush painting techniques and are necessarily covered with several layers of varnish to protect souvenirs from scratches and moisture.

Making a purchase from us, you get a 100% unique souvenir that has no analogues in the whole world.

Of course, in Moscow you can buy any souvenirs and VIP gifts. Everyone will find a gift or a souvenir for every taste.

In our time in the store, especially in the online store, any trinket is available, and even with delivery. Variety is striking: from a primitive keychain to a golden elephant with a purple trunk and diamante eyes.

Usually «made in China» or something like that. But here it is worth pondering, but whether my friends, relatives or even the boss need the next thing for a tick.

Will he remember and admire such stamped at the factory gift from year to year? We honestly answer: unlikely!

A gift that will bring warmth, joy and sincere emotional emotions should rather be unique, coming from the heart, conveying the inspiration of the master who produced this souvenir.

A real Russian art of manual work will suit this high task. Such a gift will be remembered by friends and family.

After all, art objects do not get cheaper over time, but only get more expensive.

True Russian art is represented in our store.

Gift and souvenir shop Art-studio «Melnikovich» does everything possible to support and develop the true traditions of the Russian art of making souvenirs and handmade gifts.

In our gift shop and VIP gifts, you can buy only unique products made by experienced masters, inspired by art.

Each souvenir in our collection is impregnated with warmth and sense of folk art.

In the near future it will be possible to visit our workshop in Sergiev Pasad, Moscow region and see for yourself how the real Russian art is being created.

We will be glad to see you at our place.


Our homes have become more…

5 Oct. 2018

In the nearest future we plan opening of the Museum and conduct tours and workshops on painting wooden Nutcracker with the ability to take your artwork with you.

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Welcome to the new painted…

30 Jul. 2017

When from my sweet valley rises pairs and midday the sun is above the impenetrable thicket of dark forest, and only a rare ray slips into his inner sanctum while I'm laying in the high grass near the rapid stream and, clinging to the ground and see the thousands of various blades of grass and feel as close to my heart a tiny little world that warp in between.

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New! Nutcracker under respect

18 Apr. 2016

Internet store of Souvenirs and gifts "Melnikovitch" a new Nutcracker with sablay

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The adventures of Melnikovich