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Matryoshka nesting doll with 7 sets «Garden fruits»

  • Article: 005_100
  • Sizes: 25 sm
  • Environmentally friendly materials
  • Unique design
  • Discounts for regular customers
4 400
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Nesting dolls (Matryoshka doll) are made by the hands of experienced craftsmen whose experience is measured in decades. Material used for this Matryoshka nesting doll variant is linden wood. The accuracy of the fitting of its children dolls allows to create set of up to 20 sit! dolls. Its possible to produce of sets with more figurines on request. Matryoshka doll `Garden fruits` is painted in blue and red, and is decorated with traditional Russian painting showing historical country side dressed children with their mother, and each Nesting doll figurine is covered with a thick layer of varnish that protects the doll from small fire, abrasion and water.


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